116 minutes
Based on director Lotte Svendsen's own memories of her childhood on the Baltic island of Bornholm, but though it is set in 1981 the conflicts portrayed do not seem far away. At the start of the film Lars Erik and his wife Sonja are doing well on the Baltic island of Bornholm. Lars Erik is a successful fisherman, Sonja is a traditional housewife, proud of their new house bulging with consumer goods. Their love for each other is the sturdy footing on which their home is founded. Lars Erik employs three men on his trawler, and spends as fast as he earns, so when fishing quotas are cut he faces a crisis. One by one his men leave the boat, but he refuses to give up. Being a fisherman is like being a farmer - you depend on the wealth of mother nature herself. However, mother nature is like romance, highly capricious!
Sofie Stougaard
as Sonja
Henrik Lykkegaard
as Lars Erik
Michelle Bjørn-Andersen
as Karen
Isidor Torkar
as Francisco
Thomas Bo Larsen
as Ib
Helle Dolleris
as Bibi
Søren Hauch-Fausbøll
as Flemse
Christoffer Barnekov
as Svensk nøgenbader
Willy Lund Hansen
as Benny
Benjamin Hansen
as Kenneth
Jesper Asholt
as Finn Ole
Martin Buch
as Flade
Jette Frovin Jensen
as Kassedame
Søs Karlson
as Servitrice
Bodil Lundquist
as Bankdame
Lone Madsen
as Bartender
Preben Harris
as Ernst
Pernille Grumme
as Adoptionsdame
Anna Norberg
as Else
Thorkild Westh
as Havnmand
Hans Kristian Nørregaard
as Skolelærer
Peter Skram
as Ældre betjent
Niels Ole Blem
as Brugsbestyrer
Eske Thorlund
as Lille Oluf
Holger Anker Kofod
as Fotograf
Stig Kofoed
as Tavse Oluf
Leo Mortensen
as Fiskeopkøber
Elias Manniche Møller
as William
Peer Letholm Nielsen
as Konferencier
Kjeld Nørgaard
as Gustav
Terese Damsholt
as Læge
Nichita Frederiksen
as Belinda
Ulla Gottlieb
as Evelyn
Erling Haagensen
as Havbiolog
Annemette Henriksen
as Kassedame
Barbara Jakobsen
as Bente
Troels II Munk
as Skibsmægler
Grete Nordrå
as Line
Carl Press
as Havbiolog
Peter Steen
as Jannick
Christer Sjögren
as Himself
Peter Aalbæk Jensen
as Dumpo