133 minutes
Set in Tokyo in 1940, the peaceful life of the Nogami Family suddenly changes when the father, Shigeru, is arrested and accused of being a Communist. His wife Kayo works frantically from morning to night to maintain the household and bring up her two daughters with the support of Shigeru's sister Hisako and Shigeru's ex-student Yamazaki, but her husband does not return. WWII breaks out and casts dark shadows on the entire country, but Kayo still tries to keep her cheerful determination, and sustain the family with her love. This is an emotional drama of a mother and an eternal message for peace.
Mirai Shida
as Hatsuko Nogami
Tadanobu Asano
as Yamazaki Toru
Chieko Baisho
as Hatsuko Nogami
as Fukuda
Sayuri Yoshinaga
as Kayo Nogami
Mitsuru Fukikoshi
as Shigeru Nogami
Keiko Toda
as Teruyo Nogami
Daisuke Gori
as Toru
Koen Kondo
as Komiyama
Rei Dan
as Hisako
Hideji Ōtaki
as Kabe
Tokie Hidari
as Fumi Fujioka
Takashi Sasano
as Detective Kosuge
Mizuho Suzuki
as Hajime Nikaido
Makoto Akatsuka
as Policeman
Tsurube Shofukutei
as Senkichi Fujioka
Miku Satô
as Teruyo Nogami
Bandō Mitsugorō X
as Shigeru Nogami
Umenosuke Nakamura
as Kyutaro Fujioka