180 minutes
Reborn: Stage Two was a wrestling event promoted by Ring of Honor. It took place on April 24, 2004 at the Frontier Fieldhouse in Chicago Ridge, Illinois.
Phil Brooks
as CM Punk
Scott Colton
as Colt Cabana
Jamin Pugh
as Jay Briscoe
Mark Pugh
as Mark Briscoe
Nuufolau Joel Seanoa
as Samoa Joe
Bryan Woermann
as Matt Stryker
Jack Miller
as Himself
Matthew Joseph Korklan
as Matt Sydal
Patrick Martin
as Alex Shelley
Christopher Scoville
as Jimmy Jacobs
Rick Diaz
as Ricky Reyes
Nelson Rodriguez Erazo
as Homicide
Bryan Danielson
as Himself
Steven Haworth
as Nigel McGuinness
Daniel Solwold Jr.
as Himself
James Guffey
as Jimmy Rave
John R. Rivera
as Rocky Romero
Chad Collyer
as Himself
John Stagikas
as John Walters
Peter Polaco
as Himself
William Hunter Johnston
as Delirious
Dara Daivari
as Shawn Daivari
Benjamin Whitmer
as BJ Whitmer
Christopher Guy
as Himself