80 minutes
Chronicling one harrowing day in the life of Luciana, a young woman struggling to make ends meet while striving to escape her past. As Luciana’s day unfolds, she is whisked, physically and emotionally, through a series of troublesome, unforeseeable extremes.
Ana Asensio
as Luciana
Natasha Romanova
as Olga
David Little
as Doctor Horowitz
Nicholas Tucci
as Niko
Larry Fessenden
as Rudy
Caprice Benedetti
as Vanessa
Anna Myrha
as Nadia
Ami Sheth
as Benedita
Miriam A. Hyman
as Bikie
Sara Visser
as Katarin
Natalia Zvereva
as Ewa
Sorika Horng
as Mai
Fenella A. Chudoba
as Alina
Andres De Vengoechea
as Jeremy
John Speredakos
as George
Brett Azar
as Johnny
Aurora Heimbach
as Meredith