87 minutes
Quarantine Tales is a collection of stories by 5 directors who tell the stories of life experienced during the pandemic.
Adinia Wirasti
as Ajeng
Faradina Mufti
as Deno
Marissa Anita
as Ubai/Ibu
Roy Sungkono
as Didit
Windy Apsari
as Aurel
Verdi Solaiman
as Chef Halim
Kiki Narendra
as Pak Naryo
Brigitta Cynthia
as Li
Teuku Rifnu Wikana
as Bapak
Arawinda Kirana
as Adin
Muzakki Ramdhan
as Adik & V.O. Betta Fish
Andi Budrah
as Fikri
Abdurrahman Arif
as Perampok
Kukuh Prasetya
as Icuk
Ibnu Widodo
as Farmer