120 minutes
The crowning of the SportsChannel TV Champion Live on Pay Per View!
Steve Williams
as "Dr. Death" Steve Williams
Scott Bigelow
as Bam Bam Bigelow
Steve Ray
as "Wild Thing" Steve Ray
Rick Allen
as Sonny Beach
Mick Foley
as Cactus Jack
Bob Orton, Jr.
as "Ace Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr.
John Tolos
as Himself
Bob Backlund
as Bob Backlund
Oreal Perras
as "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff
Ed Wiskoski
as Col. DeBeers
Paul Orndorff
as "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff
Robin Smith
as Rockin' Robin
Candace Rummel
as Candi Devine
Brian Blair
as B. Brian Blair
Jim Brunzell
as "Jumpin" Jim Brunzell
Terry Gordy
as Terry "Bamm Bamm" Gordy
John Laurinaitis
as Johnny Ace
Tom Nash
as Blackheart Apocalypse
David Heath
as Blackheart Destruction
Trudy Vachon
as Luna Vachon
Dean Peters
as Fire Cat