Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Lelíček in the Services of Sherlock Holmes
Imperial and Royal Field Marshal
Žena, která ví, co chce
Men on the Offsides
Naceradec, King of Kibitzer
I'm a Girl with a Devil in the Flesh
Conversion of Ferdys Pistora
Naši furianti
Diagnosa X
The Good Soldier Schweik
Him and His Sister
Darling of the regiment
The Last Bohemian
Tonka of the Gallows
Poručík Alexander Rjepkin
V tom domečku pod Emauzy
Koho jsem včera líbal?
První políbení
Modche a Rézi
Colonel Svec
Zlatá Kateřina
Osudná chvíle