Place of Birth:
Baku, Azerbaijan
Date of Birth:
Black Volga
The Darvish Detonates Paris
The Mother in Law
Saddle these Horses
The Labour and Rose
The Window of Sadness
The Jinn in Microdistrict
Asif, Vasif, Ağasif
The Devil under the Windshield
Garden Season
The Special Visit to German Clinic
Wait for the Signal from the Sea
Hotel Room
Garib in the Land of Jinn
An Old Ferry
The Poet
The Music Teacher
Pirverdi's Rooster
The Lion Ran Away from the House
The Witness
Ambassador of the Dawn
Legend of Gumushgol
Additional Effect
Kitabi Dada Gorgud. Basat and Tepagoz
Kişiləri qoruyun
The Engagement Ring
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