Place of Birth:
Vlădești, Argeș, Romania
Date of Birth:
Born in Vlădești, Argeș County, he graduated high school in Câmpulung in 1967 and Bucharest's Caragiale Academy of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography in 1971. He made his theatrical debut a year before graduating, at the Bulandra Theater, in Truman Capote's The Grass Harp. His screen debut came in Dan Pița's Nunta de piatră (1972); he would later appear in the same director's Filip cel Bun (1975). Other directors with whom he has worked include Alexandru Tatos (Mere roșii, 1975; Secvențe, 1982; and Secretul armei secrete, 1988), Virgil Calotescu (Buletin de București, 1982; and Căsătorie cu repetiție, 1985), Nae Caranfil (Asfalt Tango, 1996; and Filantropica, 2002) and Cătălin Mitulescu (The Way I Spent the End of the World, 2006). In all, he has appeared in more than sixty films. Diaconu worked with Lucian Pintilie both in film (the 1981 De ce trag clopotele, Mitică?) and in theater: Gogol's The Government Inspector at Bulandra, and Shakespeare's As You Like It at the Nottara Theater. Liviu Ciulei hired him at Bulandra in 1972, and he remained there for a decade, before moving on to Nottara. At Bulandra, he appeared in Twelfth Night and The Tempest, both under Ciulei's direction; and in Marin Sorescu's Răceala, directed by Dan Micu. At Nottara, he appeared in Alexander Ostrovsky's The Forest; Ultimul bal, after Liviu Rebreanu's Forest of the Hanged; and Mihai Ispirescu's Într-o dimineață. He became the director of Nottara Theater in 2004, working as such until his resignation in 2011.
Asphalt Tango
Bucharest Identity Card
Love Sick
The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians
The Prophet, the Gold, and the Transylvanians
The Oil, the Baby and the Transylvanians
Reach for the Sky
One-Day Adventures
Happy End
To Paris with the Identity Card
Red Apples
Kino Caravan
Fox Hunting
A Love Story, Lindenfeld
A Lost Letter
The Stone Wedding
The Firemen's Choir
Repeated Wedding
The Way I Spent the End of the World
A Smile Of The Sun
Why Are the Bells Ringing, Mitica?
The Secret of the Secret Weapon
The House Between the Fields
Dănilă Prepeleac
The Poseidon Explosion
O lumină la etajul zece
The Sign of the Serpent
Poor Ioanide
Filip the Kind
Un petic de cer
Waiting for a Train
A Summer Tale
Happenings with Alexandra
Farewell, Dear Nela!
The Actor and the Savages
Operation 'The Bus'
Starting Over
The Computer Testifies
The Trap
The Telephone
Before the Silence
Shootings Under the Moonlight
Together Again
Tragic Vacation
The End of the Night
Căruța cu mere
O vară cu Mara
Flames Over Treasures
Fii cu ochii pe fericire
Toma Caragiu - Momente de aur